Labradorite rids negative energy, insecurities and fears. It's calming for... Read More

Questions About Labradorite

What is Labradorite?

Labradorite is a gemstone known for its iridescent play of colours, including blue, green and yellow. It is a type of feldspar material that is formed within volcanic rocks.

What is Labradorite good for?

Labradorite crystals are thought to hold a number of healing properties.

Some of the healing properties of Labradorite are -

  • Enhances Intuition: It is thought to enhance intuitive and psychic abilities, providing deeper insight and understanding.

  • Protection: Labradorite is though to protect and shield against negative energies, creating a protective barrier around the user.

  • Mental Clarity: It is said that Labradorite promotes clear thinking and focus, assisting with decision-making and problem-solving.

  • Emotional Balance: Labradorite is believed to be beneficial for balancing emotions, reducing stress and promoting a sense of inner peace.

  • Change And Transformation: During life changes and transitions, Labradorite is believed to help adapt and embrace new opportunities.

Where is Labradorite found?

Labradorite can be found in several locations around the world. Some locations where Labradorite is found include -

  • Canada
  • Madagascar
  • Finland
  • The United States
  • Norway

What gives Labradorite its colours?

The colourful effect in Labradorite is called labradorescence. It is caused when light reflects off layers inside the stone.